Monday, August 5, 2013

Alone In The Big City

Today is my first day officially on my own. In my life. Sure, when I was living in Santa Rosa I was living on my own, but I was never more than a 5 minute drive from my parents. Now, the closest family is over 7 hours away. Not to mention in Sonoma County, everywhere I went someone knew my Mom, Dad, Grandparents, Aunt, Uncle and so on. Here I am just another tall blonde in LA. Which could give you shock at first but in mind thats what is so amazing about it!

I can be anyone I want to be here. Thats not to say I will stray from who I really am or loose my morals. No, not at all. Its just the fact that nobody here has any prejudice towards me, in a good OR bad way. I am free to create any impression, to start all over. It really is like a new birth to life.

I have been alone here for 9 hours now and I have already found two new hiking places, found the metro that can take me downtown and found the best routes to and from my grocery stores and school. Pretty productive I would say considering at 9am this morning I was having a mini meltdown.

I would say this week is going to be tough, there's no doubt about that. But it will be good. Its going to show me just how reliable and independent I really can be. Tomorrow is a new day and with that a new adventure! Here we go, hold on tight!



Sunday, August 4, 2013

Hollywood Hideaway

I am all settled in to my new Hollywood home and I am completely in love with it! It is the perfect size studio for a 20 something single girl such as myself.

It is in a cute little 50's style complex which I was told was originally a Bed and Breakfast.

The living area is just right, fitting a futon, little table and chair and a bakers rack holding my mini TV and printer.

My Mom and I ventured to the insane Ikea here in Burbank for all my furniture I needed. Ikea, in LA, on a Saturday. Need I say more? Crazy! However, we managed the crowds and got everything we needed, which is pretty impressive considering we had already gotten up at 345am and driven 7 plus hours across the state.

My Mom, being the amazing woman that she is, set up all my furniture while I unpacked all my things and we got the whole place set up. I have to say, its pretty darn cute!

So, I am in Day 2 of living in LA and so far love it! However, the hard part is just about to begin as my Mom is leaving tomorrow morning and I will be alone in a city I don't know for the first time in my life.  Yikes! Wish me luck!



Thursday, August 1, 2013

A Year Ago

If you had asked me a year ago if I would be packing up everything and moving to LA I would have told you that you are crazy! However, that is exactly what I am doing.

The whirlwind of events that have lead to this are incredible. I have made some great friends and experienced things I could have only dreamed of.

From my management experience at work to being a makeup artist for the SRJC production of Legally Blonde, it has all shaped me to be the woman I am today.

I am now a woman who is strong enough to actually DO this move! A year ago, I most likely would have backed out, said I wasn't ready. Now, I am confident and know that I WILL be a success.

This isn't just due to my own self however. Every person I have met along the way has helped me in this process. First and foremost my family. My Mom has been my number 1 fan through thick and thin. From wanting to be a Veterinarian, to Event Planner to finally finding my true passion, Makeup. My Dad has also always been a huge support and has always told me to do what I love. He has been a huge support in talking about plans and the future and has always had great advice. My whole family has been there for me and always believe in me.

As I set off into this journey I will be writing from time to time about my adventures, successes and failures. This will truly be the adventure of a lifetime and I cannot wait to see where it will lead me!

